Excellent. Very helpful. Thank you, Max

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My short video course goes into more depth on needs and conflict: https://how-to-fight-well.teachable.com/p/working-with-healthy-conflict

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Here's a list of needs that you can use to check in with yourself: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OJMZscIe8EVp1Vh43zam8nFUBcYoeBOy/edit

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Thank you Max for another great podcast. I remember some of this from the mini "learning to fight well " course you did in lockdown. Good to be reminded and also nice to be reminded that the initial thing that comes up when asking what do I need at this moment often disguises a deeper hidden need or root cause.

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To your last point, absolutely Mick - spot on. I'm very glad it was helpful.

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